We help high ticket lead generation brands grow.

Who are generating $10M to $100M in annual revenue online.

Apply for your growth plan
*Only 5 available per month

"Working hard for something we don't care about is called stress: working hard for something we love is called passion"

Simon Sinek

What we do

We implement our proprietary VirtualAd Growth System™ to double the revenue of your brand.

Our why

We exist to help your brand solve the complexity of growing a profitable business online while delighting your customers and fans with positive brand interactions.

Our vision

To become the go-to advertising experts in the consumer lead generation space. We want VirtualAd to be the solution business owners think of when they need help with their ads and CRM automation. Our name should ring in their ears when they think about high performing ad campaigns and CRM automations.


Year Launched


Annual Compound Growth


in Campaign Revenue

How we got here

VirtualAd was founded on the promise to bring transparency and better performance to advertising. The ‘traditional’ agency model has flaws - our goal has always been to redefine the status quo and bring value to brands in a way that positively impacts their bottom line.


VirtualAd founded by Brendan Manley on a $30K award from Canada’s Ontario Centres of Excellence

First 8 customers onboarded and $100K in company revenue achieved


Brendan and Martin teamed up with a collective vision to help lead gen brands supercharge their growth


Opened office headquarters in Toronto and hired our first pod team to support customer growth

Established proprietary growth and measurement systems and achieved 179% year over year growth


Generated $55 million in revenue for our customers and doubled our company growth


Launched VirtualAd 2.0 with a new brand identity, logo, style guide and a refined company purpose and mission


Inaugural International Team Retreat in Cancun, Mexico


We are only as good as what we believe in

10 purpose-driven principles that define who we are and the work we do

Be Bold

Be bold, be legendary, be remembered

Be Patient

Long term gains over short term pains

Think Big

No task is too big or too small

Be Kind

Communicate with candor, respect and kindness

Get Results

Enjoy the journey, focus on the process, get results

Have Perseverance

Don’t quit, celebrate the wins and losses along the way

Always Be Growing

It’s only a mistake if you don’t learn from it

Be United

Think independently - act collectively

Recognize Progress

Continuous learning, improvement and progression

Growth Obsessed

Create ads that are loved by clients, adored by customers, and extremely profitable

Apply for your growth plan

Book your 15-minute call with one of our growth experts to see if you qualify for growth with VirtualAd. We’ll get to know your business and growth goals. If we are a good fit, we will put together a comprehensive plan to double your business.

Apply now
*Only 5 available per month